ChemiS presents his new mural, which was created in Jihlava at Stříbrné údolí as part of the international project STAR (Street ARt for Social Inclusion)
Iva Walterová STAR
ChemiS presents his new mural, which was created in Jihlava at Stříbrné údolí as part of the international project STAR (Street ARt for Social Inclusion)
Iva Walterová Uncategorized
In September, we launched our new project OUR STREET OF ARTS, which was created in conjunction with the initiative “Jihlava educates through culture” and our international project STAR (Street Art for Social Inclusion). Its main goal is to involve children from disadvantaged backgrounds in society through culture, namely street art and related audiovisual activities. The
Katerina Prikrylova Uncategorized
We are happy to announce that EPMA’s project OUR STREET OF ARTS received the support from the Jihlava city platform “Jihlava vzdělává kulturou” (Jihlava educates by culture) and its first activity starts this week on the 16th of September in collaboration with Dětský domov se školou Jihlava (Children’s home with school), Chemis street art and
Katerina Prikrylova Uncategorized
We are proud to announce the conclusion of a formal partnership with the city of Jihlava on the STAR project. The STAR (STreet Art for social inclusion) project aims to promote social inclusion and decrease marginalization through street art. This partnership is an excellent opportunity to share the experience that both partners have on inclusion
100+ organisations in Europe and beyond ran hundreds of events involving over 100,000 participants. Check the campaign website. ALL DIGITAL with its partners organised eight central events on various topics for 800+ participants. To mark the All Digital Week 2021, ALL DIGITAL organised a high-level launch event “Digital Skills for a Stronger Europe” with keynotes,
Iva Walterová STAR
The consortium of the STAR project, in which EPMA is a partner, has the pleasure to invite you to another webinar: Street Art as a process to rebuild Communities October 5th at 3 pm CEST! Starting with an introduction of the street art movement and its evolution by SAMA, the Street Art Museum of Amsterdam, the
Iva Walterová STAR
STAR project Team is happy to announce the international webinar : The webinar is organized within STreet ARt project, co-funded by Europe for Citizen Programme of the European Union, and aimed to build a network of European cities to promote the power of street art as a tool for increasing citizen participation, connecting people of
Iva Walterová STAR, Uncategorized
EPMA has launched a new exciting project STAR – STreet ARt for Social Inclusion late last year. The project aims at creating a network with a common strategy for promoting social inclusion and decreasing marginalization by rehabilitation of depressed and abandoned areas of European cities through street art. It specifically aims at: increasing citizens’ participation
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