Name of the project: SEED (Speeding Every European Digital)
Duration: January 2012 – June 2014
Funding: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Pogramme (CIP/ICT PSP)
Project web page:
EPMA’s role: EPMA was awarded a public contract for external expertise published by the Pilsen Region.
The target of SEED is to expand, through the “cloud computing” approach and a very cheap network of Interactive Public Service Advertising (i-PSA) nodes, the positive results of European Inclusive e-Governance initiatives to boost “citizen-centric” e-Government Services, to reuse as much as possible the European, National, Regional and Local stocks of Public Sector Information (PSI) and to leverage saving costs of e-Government and e-Governance deployments. SEED re-uses PSI making mash-ups of e-Government contents for raising awareness of citizens about e-Government services available across all Europe: this is, transforming PSI in i-PSA messages.
SEED background is rooted in Commission’s Digital Agenda, launched in Brussels, 12 December 2011 and reinforces its strategies in its “Digital Agenda for Europe”.
European Commission has identified the re-use of public sector information, as key to delivering a Digital Single Market.
European Commission supports and backs open data and considers that accessing, analysing, reusing, combining, and processing governmental data, produces important benefits that can be grouped around two dimensions:
- Transparency: Open data is perceived as a powerful instrument to increase transparency in public administration, improving visibility on previously not accessible information, informing citizens and business on policies, public spending and outcomes.
- New services and economic growth: data combined in innovative and not initially foreseen ways enables new added-value services, boosting job creation, and resulting in substantial improvements in public service provision while contributing to economic growth.
This is exactly what SEED proposes:
- SEED has a Cloud Computing structure ensuring affordability, scalability, and then, long term sustainability.
- SEED allows Reusing stocks of PSI to build attractive services contributing to improve the impact of information on citizenship.
- SEED relies on PSA mechanisms to empower hugely the chances to reach citizenship using a mix of ICT media and advertising-like actions.
- By being “interactive” (the “i” in i-PSA) in SEED guarantees that contents and messages delivery will be easy to implement, adapt and impact to target audiences due to the combination of inclusive interfaces and ICT multi-channel capabilities.
Video: What is the SEED project all about?
IDI EIKON (Coordinator), Spain
Generalitat Valenciana-DGTI, Spain
Balkan Services, Bulgaria
Interfusion Services, Cyprus
Pilsen Region, Czech Republic
Regional Development Agency of the West Region, Romania
Institut eAustria Timisoara, Romania
Varna Municipality, Bulgaria
Pegeia Municipality, Cyprus
Region Istriana, Croatia
Rijeka Municipality, Croatia
Ventspils Digital Centre, Latvia