We have had a very busy Spring in EPMA and would like to share at least a few of the highlights.

Our EDULEADERS project is coming to its end. The project aims at empowering school leaders to become confident, know where they are going and are not afraid of making changes in their institutions. Based on our and our partners’ experience in building teams and training managers in companies, the project contributes to a shared vision of building a generation of people who have the courage and confidence to succeed and who also understand values such as fairness and cooperation.
The educational program of the EDULEADERS project was built on the development of 4 modules, each of which focused on the core competencies of school leadership – Culture and Leadership – Agile School Project Management – Mental Resilience – Feedback.

The program took place in two countries the Czech Republic and Slovakia and will celebrate culminate in final international conference in Jihlava on the June 5th. The participants from both countries will share their experience from the program and will help populating the platform with their good practices. The educational modules, best practices and the forum will then be available to the wider public online. Want to enhance your own leadership capabilities or enable your target groups to do so, check out our modules HERE!

CyberBOX project is another eventful Erasmus+ educational initiative currently under way developed in cooperation with CZECH.UP and NARA-SK. This project focuses on cybersecurity, specifically on creating a gamified educational program focused on cyber security topics. So far, we have developed the game logic of the educational module and are finalizing the content creation!
In the module you will experience the most common current types of cyber-attacks, such as social hacking, phishing, malware, … You will learn how to prevent dangers on the Internet and how to protect yourself from cyber-attacks. The educational game will be finished in October 2023. Stay tuned! For more information visit the project website.

Another one of EPMA’s projects, MyHood, will be coming soon with its Methodology! The goal of the MyHood project is the involvement of youth in the active creation of a sustainable and greener city. The project aims at raising awareness, educating and strengthening youth, bringing young people (13-18 years) closer to decision-making processes about creating or changing their neighbourhoods in cities with an emphasis on climate change. As a part of the project, pilots will be run in several cities in the EU, during which the involved kids will have a direct link to the city government being able to have a say on their city’s urban development. More information about the project and our progress is available HERE.