Vivier de Projets Numériques is a European project led by Animafac within the partnership with Action Médias Jeunes (Belgium), EPMA (Czech Republic) and HelloAsso (France). VPN aims to promote the digital projects of committed young people by equipping them and training them on its various aspects. It includes five resources to provide young people with all the tools necessary to carry out their projects.
Thanks to this project, you will find 💻
● Tutorials to create digital projects without coding (application, website, online event, media and video game)
● A digital project management guide
● Series of videos about the impact of the digital on society
● A good practice guide to encourage the spin-off of digital projects
● A tool for directing young people to platforms certifying digital skills
Click to discover the first chapter of a long series of contents!
The VPN platform was created in partnership with Code Phenix and Adrien Bernheim, a big thanks to them! 👏