During the first day of the All Digital Summit 2022 on the 28 of September, EPMA organized a multiplier event for the Erasmus + project VPN. The goal of the VPN project is creating a set of digital guides and materials aimed at supporting young people in developing their own digital projects and activities. These materials forming together a one-stop-shop to support youth by enabling them to develop their business ideas online and thus supporting their entrepreneurial spirit and ambition. During the event EPMA presented and introduced the outputs of the project, giving special attention to O1 – Kit of tutorials on how to use digital technologies within youth projects and O3 – Video guide for creating digital projects – series of 5 videos to raise awareness among young people, highlighting projects and best practices developed by young people in different European countries. The participants became active agents and were asked to include their own ideas, experiences, and inputs in the planned final product of the project.