Project Agile2Learn organised an interactive workshop during the international conference All Digital Summit held in Prague in 28-30 September 2022.
Agile2Learn project is introducing the Agile Project Based Learning into secondary education as a new enhanced educational approach to promote the development of key transversal competencies needed in the 21st century. The main objective of the project is to design and develop the training course and the educational content that will reinforce the necessary skills and competences and upskill the teachers.Specific competences will be developed based on a combination of two approaches – agile pedagogy and project-based learning.
The workshop participants were presented the Agile fundamentals and principles. They heard about the core of the project that aims to transfer specific set of competences (agile, digital and transversal) into the way how teachers work (either during the classes or on the school projects).
Afterwards, the participants experienced the practical application of several agile methods within the interactive part of the workshop. They had to create a picture to represent the All Digital Summit event. The participants grouped in small teams, where they had to divide the roles, produced the “minimum viable product”, discussed the concept with other teams and got the feedback from them, re-evaluated their initial idea and created the final version.
The representative of the associated partner Vysočina Region presented the innovations in the technical education in the region and discussed how they try to support the innovations from ICT in education in their territory. Agile2Learn project partners also presented the course structure and the future collaborative Communities of Practise platform where the community of the teachers applying the agile methods will meet and share they experience and best practises. The platform will also be used as the repository of the project results: The Curriculum, the Pilot Training Course and the Exploitation Guide and Tools.