On May 4 and May 5 2022, Helliwood media & education welcomed the partner organizations of the Agile2Learn project in Berlin, Germany. It was the project’s first face-to-face meeting and provided an ideal opportunity to take decisions and to dive deeper into the project activities while all participants were happy to meet in person.

The meeting aimed to strengthen teamwork and collaboration among the project partners, to identify project milestones and to discuss on its implementation. Furthermore, the purpose of the meeting was to plan the Agile2Learn course and activities for the next one and a half years.
The agenda for the two days included various points of discussion. The first day opened with a welcome note by the German hosts from Helliwood. Subsequently, a substantive and lively debate about the structure, the organisation and the delivery of the Agile2Learn training course curriculum took its course. The discussion proved to be very fruitful, as all the partners agreed on a common strategy towards reaching the project’s objectives.
The project will enable educators from secondary schools to implement agile methods in their learning settings, e.g. projects or classes. The partners discussed about the selection of transversal, agile and digital competences needed for this task. After having finalized the list of competences, the partners then agreed on the creation of course units for the training course. The course will also enable participants to access a repository of learning material, and to collaborate with other participants.
On the second day, the project partners discussed various issues regarding the dissemination of the Agile2Learn project to secure its outreach and visibility.
Overall, the second project in Berlin was a success, especially due to the establishment of work plan for the upcoming months, that guides all five partners organisations from Greece, Italy, Czech Republic and Germany towards achieving the project’s goal, to make learning more agile.
Learn more about the project at https://agile2learn.eu/