In September, we launched our new project OUR STREET OF ARTS, which was created in conjunction with the initiative “Jihlava educates through culture” and our international project STAR (Street Art for Social Inclusion). Its main goal is to involve children from disadvantaged backgrounds in society through culture, namely street art and related audiovisual activities.
The project will include a number of informative activities involving children designed to be as engaging as possible for them. In collaboration with a leading Czech street artist, Chemis, the children will create street art in the form of a brickwork based on their own design and, under the guidance of lecturers from the Documentary Film Center (CDF), will make a short documentary.
The first meeting with selected children from the Children’s Home with School in Jihlava has just taken place. An active discussion with the children took place about what they think about street art and what their experience is with it. Together, we also talked about what they would like to change as part of their involvement in the city and how they could become more involved in public spaces. We went to check out a wall in Silver Valley (Stříbrné údolí), a newly created outdoor space in the city of Jihlava aiming at citizen free time engagement. There the children together with Chemis will create a mural. We also filled out an interactive questionnaire, the result of which will be the basis for choosing the theme of the mural.
We are all looking forward to another meeting, a workshop with Šimon Bauer from the CDF, during which the children will learn what a documentary film is, what its forms can be and how such a film is made.

“The project is financially supported by the statutory city of Jihlava within the platform Jihlava Educates Culture”