We are happy to announce that EPMA’s project OUR STREET OF ARTS received the support from the Jihlava city platform “Jihlava vzdělává kulturou” (Jihlava educates by culture) and its first activity starts this week on the 16th of September in collaboration with Dětský domov se školou Jihlava (Children’s home with school), Chemis street art and Centrum dokumentárního filmu Jihlava (Centre of documentary film Jihlava).
The project aims to involve children from disadvantaged social groups into society through culture, specifically street art and documentary movies. Nowadays, street art is considered an effective tool in the fight against social exclusion and can be an attractive form of social expression for children, helping them gain a sense of greater belonging to their own city. On the other hand, audio-visual media are a common expression of today’s young generation; it is a way to express their own opinion, to be heard and to share their opinions with the rest of society. Building on the long tradition of Jihlava in the field of audio-visual, specifically documentary films, and under the guidance of local professionals, children will get another tool for communication with their surroundings and motivation for more active involvement in the project. Throughout the 8 activities of the project, children should learn new skills, broaden their horizons and gain a sense of belonging to their environment.
“The project is financially supported by the statutory city of Jihlava within the platform Jihlava Educates by Culture”.
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