Save the Date: International congress ITAPA 2017: Technology & Humanity.
When: November 14-15, 2017
Kde: Bratislava, Slovakia
The project Digital Single Market in V4 organizes a side event during the ITAPA congress. The project addresses the subject matter using a three pillar strategy specifically designed for respective target groups (political representatives as well as senior state officials, municipal representatives, and private sector representatives). Firstly, it will be organization of a special event – ITAPA – Four in One that will be specifically dedicated to cooperation at the Visegrad level. Secondly, it will be the establishment of an annual award for digital projects from the Visegrad countries. Finally, the project will introduce an initiative for users of data on public tenders in the Visegrad countries with the aim to foster a common Visegrad market in the digital area. The project is supported by the Visegrad Fund.