We are excited to introduce the Competency Model, one of the key results of the A3learning project, which aims to create effective blended learning methodical approach that leverages the best of face-to-face and online learning. The Competence Model found its basis in DigiCompEd, but has been enriched with invaluable feedback from teachers in 4 European countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy and Portugal) to empower educators and teachers in the digital age.
Competences Included:
- Creating and Modifying Digital Resources
- Differentiation and Personalization
- Teaching with Technology
- Self-Regulated Learning
- Analysing Evidence
- Feedback and Planning
It’s a powerful blend of theory and practical wisdom to equip educators for success in today’s technology-driven educational landscape.
Where to find It:
The Competence Model is now officially released and available on our project website for you to explore in-depth. Stay tuned for updates as we prepare to unveil this valuable resource that will empower educators and transform the way we approach teaching and learning.